Sunday, July 31, 2011

FTGPS Free TGP Script

FTGPS Free TGP Script

FTGPS stands for Free Thumb Gallery Post Script.
TGP’s have been used for a number of years to get adult traffic to sponsors. Webmasters submit their galleries to tons of TGP’s in order to get traffic to their sponsors.
The gallerythe webmaster submits give the surfer a free preview of movies or pictures and links them to the sponsor of the gallery.

FTGPS work along the same line as other tgp’s however it’s designed more for free hosted galleries. Free hosted galleries are galleries that your sponsor gives to you, the code has your ID on them so any sales made from those galleries goes into your pocket. Ask yourself, why give other webmasters sales when there is over 100,000 free hosted galleries out their with your ID to use.
FTGPS is a very easy to use TGP script even for a beginner in the adult industry. It has most functions other tgp scripts have and some new ones as well. You can approve and pre-date galleries up to 3 years (2007). The templates are in a seperate directory so if you want to run multiple tgp’s you can with different designs while still using the same mysql database.
Galleries can be in the form on text descriptions or thumbnail links.
Submitters can submit galleries to your tgp or you can disable the function to submit galleries.

Currently we cater for these sponsors to have thumbnail links:
This file FHG.php in the zipped file will be updated as sponsors ask for there program to be added. So if your a sponsors and have FHG with thumbnail (hotlinkable) FHG’s then please contact us.
So whats the catch? Why is this script free?
It’s free to download and use on as many domains as you wish but 2% of the clicks to galleries will come to us. We provide a surfer friendly page without any popups, exits etc.
Let go over this. If you had 10,000 clicks to galleries from your TGP in 1 day, we would get 200 clicks of that, it’s not much to bitch about for a free script.
FTGPS Details…
Easy one file Install system
Pre-Approve gallery controls
Check for Java
Setup to 3 years (2007) of approved galleries
Scan specific galleries for popup, refresh, java etc
Edit gallery details
Delete galleries (in batch or single mode)
Batch approve galleries
Advanced domain search
Ban IP, domain, email fom submissions
Free Hosted Galleries
Import of FHG’s from
Importing text description, up to 10,000 galleries at one time
Importing text thumb FHG’s from special sponsors
TGP Settings
Submit form ON/OFF
Automaticly approve galleries on submission
Automaticly confirm galleries on submission
Database templates
File templates for content on index page
Multiple admin accounts
Blacklist page

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